A Passion for Providing Quality in Printing

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    When should you start planning your prints?

    Whether you’re working hard to put finishing touches on a new piece, or you’re planning an exhibition (somewhere down the track), you don’t want any surprises.

    Dear artist,

    Do you ever find yourself starting on a new piece… before you’ve even finished the last one? For many artists, it’s just part of the process.

    That’s why having a picture of what to expect at the end of your process can inspire you to push forward.

    Wether you’re working hard to put finishing touches on a new piece, or you’re planning an exhibition (somewhere down the track), you don’t want any surprises

    So, when is the best time to plan your prints?

    You can’t rush

    This really depends on you, your art pieces and whether you’ve printed or digitised your art before. Remember, your art needs to be digitised before printing can take place.

    But there are a few factors you should consider when you’re planning your print:

    1. The size and type of canvas, or other medium you’ve used, as well as the art material will determine how fast we can calibrate the camera equipment and lighting. As I’ve mentioned before, the most important thing here is to capture the essence of the piece.
    3. Once we’ve digitised the piece and created colour profiles, we’ll print test strips, which can take around 12 hours per profile.
      We work with many artists around Melbourne and Geelong, so realistically, it depends on how busy our team is printing other pieces of art.

      So, if we were to give you a realistic answer – the sooner, the better!

    4. Design-Services

    5. It’s never too soon to plan

      If you’re planning on selling some artwork or putting on an exhibition in the next 3-6 months, then now is the perfect time to get a tour of our workshop and talk about what timeline works best for you.

    6. If you’re thinking of doing something in the next 6-12 months, well, why not take a tour anyway?

      As digital print experts, we want to open the doors to the possibility of print, but we’re also passionate about art and supporting artists achieve success.

    8. As digital print experts, we want to open the doors to the possibility of print, but we’re also passionate about art and supporting artists achieve success.

    10. We’re not just a supplier. We’re committed to being a partner, no matter what stage of the journey you’re at.

    12. Whether you’re getting ready to sell, exhibit or print, or just need advice or information, we’re here to help you through the journey.

    14. It’s never too early to plan. Give us a call on (03) 9329 5177 or click here to organise a time to talk through the process for your specific, unique situation to make sure you have your timeline right for when you are ready.

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