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    Plan Filing Strips

    Simplify plan storage and organization with our convenient plan filing strips. Effortlessly file and retrieve your plans with ease.


    Code Type Adhesive
    Strip Width
    Size List price EX-GST List price GST inc.
    Lightweight – pk 100
    FILE310 Clear – 75u 6 297 37.00 40.70
    420 46.00 50.60
    594 60.00 66.00
    707 67.00 73.70
    841 82.00 90.20
    FILE311R Roll 100m 88.00 96.80
    Heavyweight – pk 100 – wider adhesive strip
    FILE721 Milky – 190u 12 594 106.00 116.60
    707 126.00 138.60
    841 150.00 165.00
    Roll 50m 90.00 99.00
    Heavyweight – pk 100
    FILE741 Milky – 190u 6 594 80.00 88.00
    707 106.00 116.60
    841 120.00 132.00
    FILEPOC per bag A0 21.00 23.10
    A0 21.00 23.10
    A2 11.00 12.10
    A3  8.00 8.80
    B1 17.00 18.70

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