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    Yellow Trace, Detail and Butter Paper

    Versatile, practical paper for drafts and sketches.

    Forget having specialised paper for every different task — you need draft or sketch paper that’s good for multipurpose use.

    Yellow and white trace paper are perfect for all your preliminary drawing needs — including quick layouts, thumbnail sketches, blueprints, and studies for final renderings.

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    Yellow Trace, Detail and Butter Paper
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    Their extreme transparency makes them perfect for overlays and tracings, allowing you to place up to four sheets over the existing drawing and still clearly see the detail underneath. These tracing paper rolls also perform beautifully with ink, chalk, charcoal and felt tip markers.

    Want to know the details? Request A Quote to view the specs for Yellow Trace, Detail and Butter Paper available at Creffield’s West Melbourne, South Melbourne or Geelong locations.

    Yellow Trace, Detail and Butter Paper
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